Title: The Decline of Orchid Populations in the Catoctin Mountains
Speaker: Wes Knapp, Eastern Regional Ecologist, MD DNR
A forty year study (1968 to 2008) of the orchid populations of the Catoctin Mountains, Frederick County, Maryland reveals that 19 of 21 species of orchids have experienced a precipitous decline. Four of these species are currently considered Threatened or Endangered by the State of Maryland and another two are considered Rare. Proper management is critical for the continuation of the orchid species in this study, be it control of the white-tailed deer herd or combating woody plant succession.
Download and read: "Orchid (Orchidaceae) decline in the Catoctin Mountains, Frederick County, Maryland as documented by a long-term dataset" byWesley M. Knapp • Richard Wiegand
Location: Kensington Library.
Directions: From the Washington Beltway (I-495)
Take Exit 33, Connecticut Avenue, north to the third signal after the Beltway. Turn left onto Knowles and go 2 1/2 blocks to the library on the right.
The meeting is open to the public.
Registration is not required.
©Maryland Native Plant Society PO Box 4877, Silver Spring, MD 20914MNPS is a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization incorporated in Maryland.